first paragraph: Paragraph Assignment: Definition Instructions For this assignme


first paragraph:
Paragraph Assignment: Definition
For this assignment, please write a paragraph of 150-200 words in which you respond to one of the following prompts.
Things to remember:
Definition includes dictionary definitions and much more. Words can be defined via etymology, or a study of word origins and word history; “ology,” for example, means “study of.” When you read the course catalogue to select classes, you see psychology, biology, sociology, and geology, studies of the mind, life, society, and the earth. Another strategy of definition is negation, attempting to describe the meaning of something by identifying characteristics it lacks. The Christian Bible’s I Corinthians 13 defines “charity” or “love” this way: “love does not envy or boast; it is not arrogant 5 or rude. It does not insist on its own way; it is not irritable or resentful;6 it does not rejoice at wrongdoing but rejoices with the truth.” Negation suggests that a word is so complex that it can’t be easily defined, so the best we can do is list the things that it is not.
You may review the Rhetorical Strategies unit (Module 2 Learning Materials, Part 3) if needed.
Present your topic sentence first. It should be the first sentence that appears in your paragraph.
This is the description for ENC 0022: “Designed to provide instruction in written communication skills. Basic grammar and rhetorical skills including parts of speech, sentence structure, mechanics, and word choice will be introduced. Emphasis is placed on learning to express ideas in clear, logical standard English and on paragraph and essay development. This class does not satisfy general education requirements and generates compensatory credit only.” Design a course called Me-ology. What would be studied in such a course?
Provide an extended personal definition of one of the following words: mother, father, freedom, peace, family, friend, America.
Define something by using only negation.
Assignment Details
Develop a paragraph between 150 and 200 words.
Revise and edit to ensure clear, concise writing Secon
Second paragraph:Paragraph Assignment: Exemplification (AKA Illustration)
For this assignment, please write a paragraph of 150-200 words in which you respond to one of the following prompts.Things to remember:In Exemplification (also called Illustration), the topic is developed using examples. There can be several separate examples or a single extended example.The topic sentence needs to capture the main point in general terms. The other sentences in the paragraph should provide examples to support the claim made in the topic sentence. Present your topic sentence first. It should be the first sentence that appears in your paragraph.Paragraphs, like essays, have beginnings, middles, and ends. The topic sentence is the beginning; the examples are the middle, and the end is a sentence that wraps up the topic.You may review the Rhetorical Strategies unit (Module 2 Learning Materials, Part 3) if needed.Prompts:What are some irritants you’ve encountered at school, at work, or at home? These could include problems with submitting forms, finding assignments, buying the book, or a lazy co-worker, a demanding boss, broken equipment, or messy roommates, a dripping faucet, a sticking door.
What is the best toy for toddlers? Consider toys that can teach them valuable lessons.
Reflecting on all the time you’ve spent in school and all the teachers you’ve had, take all their best characteristics to assemble a perfect teacher.
How to Submits:Create your paragraph using Microsoft Word.
Use MLA format. (see module1)
Submit here in Canvas. Refer to this tutorial if needed.
Writing in this course may be checked for plagiarism using Turnitin. You submit Turnitin assignments directly in Canvas by following the prompts for submission. Your writing will automatically be checked. (You do not create an account.) Turnitin measures assignment originality and indicates what percent of your assignment matches others’ writings. Please review the Using Turnitin and Understanding the Originality Report


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