OVERVIEW: Have you been involved in an organization where the story “told” about


OVERVIEW: Have you been involved in an organization where the story “told” about the flow of communication throughout the organization was somewhat or even drastically different than the actual story “lived” out on a day-to-day basis? Where the organizational chart is not an accurate depiction of the complex networks of decision-making, advice, support, instruction, and interaction that have been built up over time? Or perhaps you’re one of the lucky ones who has been part of an organization that “talks the talk and walks the walk” – one that, for the most part, has an organizational chart that actually reflects the interaction that occurs throughout the organization. Here is your chance to reflect on that organization’s communication flow. In this assignment, you will examine the actual “lived” network in comparison to the version presented in the organizational chart. This is your opportunity to reflect on just how connected or disconnected that formal organizational chart is from the lived communication network of the people within. In a 3-4 paged, double-spaced essay with some additional attachments, your objective is to: (a) DESCRIBE the degree of alignment or disconnect between the organizational chart and 1 type of communication network there, and (b) EXPLAIN one or more reasons WHY you think that alignment or disconnect occurs ESSAY STRUCTURE & DELIVERABLES: The essay should include the following elements: INTRODUCTION: An introductory paragraph where you briefly summarize the organization, the nature of your involvement in it, and a summary of your general thesis (i.e., whether there is alignment or disconnect between organizational chart and actual communication network and why) DESCRIBE THE NETWORK & OVERLAP/DISCONNECT: A description (about 1 page) of the type of communication network (e.g., task, social, advice, support, decision-making, etc.), the various linkages in the network (e.g., stars, bridgers, isolates, intensity/reciprocity of links) and the degree of overlap or disconnect with the organizational chart. Make sure to provide concrete evidence and examples to fully convey this. For example, if you claim that a person identified in the organizational chart is a “star,” I expect to see an illustration of this person’s “star” centrality. ANALYZE WHY: Then, in about 1 page, analyze some possible reasons why the overlap/disconnect between the lived network and the formal organizational chart exists. To help you come up with ideas to address this “why” question, refer to the material in Chapter 5 that discusses some of the challenges with formal and informal upward, downward, horizontal communication (e.g., upward distortion, silencing). ATTACHMENTS: In addition to the written essay portion, please attach a copy of (a) the organizational chart and (b) the communication network you discussed. As long as it is clear and legible, the chart and network can be hand drawn, though a typed version of both is appreciated (you can use Word and PowerPoint tools like SmartArt, for example). The network should clearly illustrate the elements of linkage reciprocity and intensity in some identifiable way (for example, arrows between people to indicate the degree of reciprocity). IMPORTANT TIPS & ADVICE: Selecting an Organization: Please make sure you select and organization that you are highly familiar with and can speak to both how it claims to operate (organizational chart) versus how it actually operates (a lived communication network). You will need to generate a valid network depiction for some type of communication, so it’s essential that you have access and familiarity. Also, having access to the formal organizational chart is useful. Remember, you have lots of options: internships, part-time jobs, athletic and recreational organizations, student organizations, churches, nonprofit organizations, etc. How Big of a Chart and Network Should I Focus On? Once you choose your organization, ensure that you provide a complete chart and network, but also one that is a realistic size to examine and discuss in a 3-4 page paper. So for example, if you are writing about a work-study job at Baylor, you do NOT need to provide the entire BU organizational chart: just focus on your particular office, department, or unit as a sub-organization within. On the other hand, if you are on a basketball team, I expect for you to look beyond just the players, and also include the coaching and administrative staff directly tied to the team. Aiming for A-Level Performance? Look at the grading rubric before you begin writing. This will give you a clear sense of what I’m looking for when I grade. Also, make sure that you know your material in chapter 5 – drawing from concepts and ideas there is important for your descriptions and analysis.


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