Part One: Lesson Plan A. Using the “Direct Instruction Lesson Plan Template,”


Part One: Lesson Plan
A. Using the “Direct Instruction Lesson Plan Template,” create an original elementary-level (K–6) mathematics lesson plan that incorporates a hands-on mathematical tool or a virtual mathematical tool that students can use to enhance learning outcomes. Include the following:
• one state or national mathematics standard, including the alphanumeric indicator code and the written standard
• one measurable learning objective that aligns with the standard including:
• condition,
• behavior and
• measurable criterion
Part Two: Reflection
B. Explain how the hands-on or virtual mathematical tool from Part A will enhance student learning during the lesson.
C. Explain how your lesson plan incorporates each of the following components:
1. conceptual understanding
2. problem solving
3. procedural fluency
D. Explain how one instructional strategy in your lesson plan (e.g., collaborative learning, modeling, discovery learning) supports learning outcomes.
** Acknowledge sources, using in-text citations and references, for content that is quoted, paraphrased, or summarized.**


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