Conduct a Difference in Differences Analysis. The analysis focuses on a treatmen


Conduct a Difference in Differences Analysis. The analysis focuses on
a treatment and a control group. Sanctioned companies are the treatment and non-
sanctioned companies (random sectors) the control group. Please do the analysis in the R statistical
program. The goal is to test whether sanctions lowered the financial indicators of firms in different sectors, so I need a result for each of the 3 sectors (Energy, Transportation, and Banks) and a result for each of the 3 financial indicators (total assets, turnover, and profit). I need to be able to tell if the indicators went down or up after sanctions were imposed in each sector. Prior to 2022 means before sanctions. 2022/23 means after sanctions. Please briefly explain how the results of the analysis show this change and what the results mean. I will include a paper that does a similar type of analysis, the main difference between my task and that paper is that I want to compare sectors.


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