This individual assignment is worth 25% of the final grade for the course. It w


This individual assignment is worth 25% of the final grade for the course.
It will test your ability to perform a specific task rather than simply repeating information. In particular, the goal is to assess your ability to analyze the strategy of a business using the tools and frameworks you have learned in this course.
Complete all activities and upload your answer paper to the specific Turnitin
Dropbox of this assignment no later than SEE DEADLINES SUMMARY.
If you fail to submit the paper you will receive a grade = 0. If you submit
after the deadline your grade will be reduced according to the penalties
prescribed by Manhattan College regulations on late submissions.
Your work will be checked for plagiarism using Turnitin.
Instructions and Objectives
1. Apply The Porter Five Forces Frame work to estimate the level of competitive pressure faced by Chocolade fabriken Lindt & Spruengli AG (lindt-
Analyze each specific factor in the frame work offering unambiguous claims based on relevant data and analysis.
Based on the results of your analysis, provide a clear and sharp opening statement about the level of competitive pressure faced by the focal business and the likely impact on its profitability.
Execute the task and write-up the results of the analysis by using the mandatory template (see requirements below). This task requires substantial independent research. Start early. Do not wait.
Required Structure, Format, and Contents
Follow all the instructions included in the template. Submissions that do not conform to the template will not be graded.
Quantify your claims by identifying appropriate data and performing relevant analyses (e.g., estimate unit revenue and unit cost).
a. Failuretoquantifyclaimswillresultinsubstantiallylowergrades.
b. Support your choice of data and measure(s)by explaining why they are relevant for the specific firm and industry you are studying.
c. Failure to provide relevant evidence for the claims will result in substantially lower grades.
Do not modify the template to cram text. The submission must be max 2 pages, single-spaced, ALL INCLUSIVE. Minimum font size: 11 points. Fonts allowed: Arial.
Figures, diagrams, and/or charts are included the page limit.
All relevant tables, figures, and diagrams must be inserted in the body of text — not at the end of the document. Be selective. Only include information that
is directly connected with your analysis.
References in the references list are the only element excluded from the page limit. Include any references starting from a separate page at the end of the document).
o The submission must carry a header on each page displaying your name, surname, and student number(000515883).
o All pages must be numbered in a single series on the footer of the page to prevent errors during handling.
o Appendixes are NOT allowed. Any appendix will be disregarded. Revise your write-up multiple times before submitting the final version. Do not
modify the template to cram text. Consider, in particular, the following criteria:
How thoroughly and concisely do you describe the factors that are important to the problem?
How accurate and thorough is your use of course concepts? How well do you integrate course concepts with case information?
How well are your arguments supported by case evidence and relevant analysis?
How clear, concise, and well-written are your arguments?
This is the template 1. MAIN RESULT OF THE ANALYSIS
· Based on the results of your analysis, concisely state the overall magnitude of the competitive pressure faced by the focal business [replace the text in this paragraph with your statements].
· Based on the results of your analysis, present a clear conclusive statement on whether and how the competitive pressure faced by the focal business will affect its profitability. [replace the text in this paragraph with your statements
3. FRAMEWORK + SUMMARY OF KEY FINDINGS Industry Rivalry: Write here an unambiguous claim about the magnitude of this factor.
SUPPORTING EVIDENCE: Discuss clear arguments and relevant supporting evidence to explain the thinking behind your claim. If useful, feel free to include a chart to succinctly present relevant quantitative data. [replace the text in this paragraph with unambiguous arguments related to the claim you have made and logically motivate your choice of supporting data. IMPORTANT: The arguments must be relevant to the specific firm and industry you are focusing on, not generic ones that can apply to any firm and industry!]
Substitutes: Write here an unambiguous claim about the magnitude of this factor. SUPPORTING EVIDENCE: Discuss clear arguments and relevant supporting evidence to explain the thinking behind your claim. If useful, feel free to include a chart to succinctly present relevant quantitative data. [replace the text in this paragraph with unambiguous arguments related to the claim you have made and logically motivate your choice of supporting data. IMPORTANT: The arguments must be relevant to the specific firm and industry you are focusing on, not generic ones that can apply to any firm and industry!]
New Entrants: Write here an unambiguous claim about the magnitude of this factor.


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