Question 1 1) In Discussion Forum 5, post your response to the following discuss


Question 1
1) In Discussion Forum 5, post your response to the following discussion topic. Reply to at least two classmates’ responses and shares informative URLs by the date indicated in the Course Calendar. Your discussion question response should be at least 200 Words, with another 50 words per reply. Risk is defined as the probability that a threat will be realized. You can calculate the expected loss by multiplying the risk probability by the asset cost. Based on your own experience, which of the following security review activities (Monitor, Audit, Improve, and Secure from page 218 of the book Fundamentals of Information Systems Security) do you feel should receive the most resources? Explain why. 2) Respond to at least two other students (at least 50 words each )!
Respond to two (2) students/Peers (two classmates). The responses should be at least 50 words each and must focus on the discussion topic above. Examine related issues, ask questions, provide hypothesis and/or situation(s). A peer response should not be to a peer already responded to more than twice.
Note: plagiarism is not tolerated in this course. Everything must be in your own words with sources! Failure to do so will result in failing grade. Discussion_Grading_Rubric_Final.docx Download Discussion_Grading_Rubric_Final.docxPreview the document
Supplemental Material:
-Secure Software Development Lifecycle (synopsys).… to an external site. -Security Areas to focus on during Covid (Gartner).… to an external site. -Quantitative Risk Analysis.… to an external site. -Security Auditing & Testing.… to an external site. With refrences
Note APA format with 700 to 800 words AI should be below 5%


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