Writing Assignment #2: Appraise the Qualitative Evidence This writing assignment


Writing Assignment #2: Appraise the Qualitative Evidence
This writing assignment involves the student researching databases to find a relevant research article. Then the student will begin an article appraisal by addressing the research problem and literature review. This writing assignment will serve as the foundation for the second writing assignment. This allows for students to receive feedback from peers, from the writing center and faculty, which can be incorporated into the second article critique.
1.Critically appraise a chosen primary research nursing article. The required course textbook will be used as a guide in critically appraising a qualitative article.
2.Synthesize the information from discussion questions, research textbook, and chosen research article to support the elements of article critique.
3.Understand how an article critique can determine the appropriateness of research in evidence-based practice (EBP).
4.Determine the elements of a well written research article.
1.2) Locate one primary qualitative research article that is related to the student’s topic of interest. The chosen article must be obtained from the library database and in pdf journal format.
2.3) Write a 6–8 pages paper in APA (7th edition) format (exclude the title page, abstract, and reference page in page count) that addresses the following points:
3. 1.a) Abstract (see previous abstract guidelines).
2.b) Introduction (see previous introduction guidelines).
3.c) State the problem.
§Evaluate if the researchers described the significance of the problem and/or its importance to nursing practice.
§Evaluate if the researchers provided the background of the problem.
§Evaluate if a clear problem statement exists. d) Statethepurpose.
§Explain if research objectives were used to guide the study.
§Explain if an overall research question was present.
e) Literature Review
Justify if the literature review included a description of a theory and previous studies.
Explain if the references are current. Include the number and percentage of sources in the last 10 years and in the last 5 years.
f) Sampling
Assess if inclusion and exclusion criteria were identified.
Identify the number of participants in the sample.
Assess if the author/s identified the specific type of sampling that was used. If not, identify and explain the sampling method used. If more than one type of sampling was used, explain if the author/s identified the number of participants recruited through each type of sampling.
1.g) Ethical considerations
oExplain if the study was reviewed by an institutional or ethical board.
oExplain the process for informed consent
o oh) Data collection
oIdentify the methods used to collect data.
2. oExplain how the researcher managed and analyzed the data including its appropriateness. i) Results
oExplain how the participants were described—age, marital status, or other relevant demographic variables.
oExplain if the results of the analysis were presented as themes, concepts, or a diagram. Discuss the components of the themes, concepts, or the diagram
o oj) Discussion
oIdentify two findings discussed by the researchers. Explain the findings of the study.
oDiscuss and explain the limitations of the study.
oAssess if the researcher indicated whether the findings might be applicable to other samples. Explain.
oIdentify the implications of the findings for nursing practice if there are any. Explain.
oIdentify suggestions for further study.
o ok) ArticleCritique
oDiscuss the importance of article critique in EBP.
oDiscuss the strengths and weaknesses of the primary research article based on your explanation in the discussion section.
oDetermine the article’s usefulness for practice changes.
o ol) Conclusion
Reiterate the main points: thesis, significance, implications, and any future research recommendation/s of your chosen article.
4) Use level 1 and 2 headings (using APA guidelines).
5) Include at least 2 direct quotes in the body of the paper.
Remember that it has to be a primary qualitative research article. Avoid articles that are a review of a bunch of different articles. Avoid systematic reviews, meta-analysis, meta-synthesis, meta-summary, or literature reviews. Also make sure it is qualitative instead of quantitative.
Make sure that all articles cited in your paper are added to your reference page.
Make sure that all sources on your reference page are cited in your paper.
Remember that you need to cite your sources. When you pull information from an article you need to add a citation to your paper.
Avoid putting the title of the articles in your paper. Instead of writing According to the Evidenced Based Practice: Nursing Research textbook…… Instead say: According to Grove & Gray (2022)….
Avoid the use of the first person in an APA paper, unless it’s a personal essay. Avoiding the use of the first person will help strengthen your paper.
– Remember that you will be finding a primary qualitative research article that was written within the last 5 years and written by at least 1 nurse or published in a nursing journal. Please do not submit an article that says systematic review, literature review, meta-analysis, or meta synthesis. Remember those are secondary articles, not primary.
-I want you to pick an qualitative article within 2hrs and send it to me. PLEASE!!
– I’ve also attached the rubric below. Please read all the info in there and in the directions carefully and write the paper accordingly.
– NO PLAGIARISM should be found.
-A sample paper has been attached below. Don’t choose the same topic in there.
-This has to be a QUALITATIVE RESEARCH paper written by a nurse based on their own research study and not critiquing on someone else’s research
– As I said earlier, the PRIMARY QUALITATIVE ARTICLE has to be done within 12hrs in order for me to submit it today. please!!.
– The rest of the paper can be completed within 6 days and I’ll be giving you feedback according to my professor and classmates.
-The whole paper should be 6-8 pages without the title page, abstract, and the reference page.
-Write the paper in the format as in the example paper.
Keep it at 100-150 words.
Identify the research topic or purpose of the research – why the study was done.
Identify the population and method – who were in the study and how the study was done.
Identify the results and application of results or findings to the nursing profession.
Identify the three to five keywords used on your article search.
Watch this. video before writing the abstract: a)Introduction
Hook – identify your topic and the angle you are taking; your hook needs to capture the reader’s attention.
Context – provide a background, an explanation on the significance of your topic and what the research will address.
Thesis – provide a clearly defined thesis statement
b)Article search process
Explain the choice of topic.
List the database, search terms, and method used to narrow the results.
Narrate if difficulties occurred in your article search.
c)Literature Review/Background/Introduction
Evaluate the article’s literature review if it is comprehensive, current, and of good quality. (Did it look at different aspects of the problem, was the topic of interest described well or indicated the state of the science? Was it in the scholarly date range for when the study was completed, and was it from a scholarly journal?)
Identify if the references are current, including the number and percentage of sources in the last 10 years and in the last 5 years from the time the research was performed or published. (Note the date the research was done, if presented.)
Specify the new information learned about the topic of the research study after reading the literature review or introduction.
Survey the reference list of your article. In APA format, identify and list two primary quantitative research articles from the reference list. Then, identify and list one secondary article from your article’s reference list.
Identify the specific design of the study. Use a direct quote from your article and then define it using a direct quote from your textbook.
Identify the population, sample, and characteristic of the participants.
Identify the inclusion and/or exclusion criteria.
Identify the sample size. Discern and justify if the sample size is adequate.
Describe how the rights of the participants were protected, including the risks to the participants.
Identify the data collection process and explain role of the investigator in this process.
Identify and explain the internal and external threats to validity.
Identify and explain the strategies used to ensure rigor and trustworthiness.
Identify the findings of the study.
Identify and discern the implications of this research to the nursing profession.
Identify and explain the implications for future research.
Identify the level and strength of evidence the study provides.
Reiterate the main points: thesis, significance, implications, and any future research recommendation/s of your chosen article.
3)Include at least two direct quotes in APA format.
4)Use the peer review process to strengthen your paper.
5) Submit a hardcopy of the paper, peer review, and article in class. All hardcopies for submission must be printed double-sided.
Let me know if you have any questions.
Please give me the primary quantitative article within 2 hrs, thanks!


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