Can you please help write a 3 – 5 page paper in APA format describing your own e


Can you please help write a 3 – 5 page paper in APA format describing your own ethical framework. You will describe the principles and
values that are part of your framework, as well as the major theory or theories from the textbook (e.g., Kohlberg’s theory of moral
development, Ajzen’s theory of planned behavior, etc,) which inform your framework.
Ethical Framework
An ethical framework is a decision-making model that outlines step-by-step processes for reaching
ethical decisions. A framework for ethical decision-making addresses the “how” not the “what” of
ethical decisions. It reflects the process of ethical decision-making. It will be similar to a decision-
making framework but must include specific ethical considerations. Ethical frameworks frequently
take the form of a series of questions such as, “How would I want someone else to act in this
situation?” “How would my behavior be judged by my mother/father/children?” “What is the
greatest good in this situation?” “What values are represented by this decision?”
Your paper should include the following elements:
● DEFINE: Define an ethical framework and its usefulness to you.
● DESCRIBE: Describe your ethical framework and how you developed it.
o What do you base your ethical framework on? It could be based on:
▪ Religious convictions
▪ Ideologies (such as justice, democracy or Confucianism),
▪ Your personal values and ethical principles
● ANALYZE: How does it compare or contrast with the major theories presented in the textbook?
● SYNTHESIZE: How does your personal ethical framework influence your ethical reasoning and decision-making and behavior?
● EVALUATE: Conclusion – What are your final conclusions about your ethical framework and its usefulness?


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