Complete the following tasks and then create a short video to demonstrate your w


Complete the following tasks and then create a short video to demonstrate your work.
1) Install and run an Apache secure web server on your Linux OS.
7 marks
2) Configure your webserver to use the public_html folder for all users.
2 marks
3) Create a simple web page in a user’s public_html directory.
2 marks
4) Create a video and upload to demonstrate your server configuration.
1. Create a title slide deck that must include your Full Name, Student ID.
2. Record a video that captures your slide and your voice.
a. You can use tools like OBS (, Camtasia ( to record your video
b. Ensure that your voice can be heard clearly and that your screen can also be seen clearly
In your video include:
5) Change to the user/public_html directory and display the contents of the directory and then display the .htaccess file
2 marks
6) Navigate to the /etc/httpd/conf directory and show the configuration files that implement the htaccess
1 mark
7) Open a browser and display the index.html file


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