Week 2: Mon. Jul 15, 2024 Due: Assignment: Organizational Opportunity/Challenge


Week 2: Mon. Jul 15, 2024
Due: Assignment: Organizational Opportunity/Challenge Essay
Library: Terlep (Clorox)Question(s): Why is CEO Linda Rendle an interesting person? What was her early involvement with strategy at Clorox?
Library: Davidson (Soft Skills)Question(s): What do Soft Skills look like day-to-day, in practice? Why is it so difficult for employers to find quality professionals with Soft Skills? Of the three broad areas covered in our Textbook chapters (personal, interpersonal, group), which do you have strengths in and which do you have more work to do to improve? Would others agree with your assessment of yourself?
Whetton/Cameron: Ch. 1, Developing Self-Awareness
Library: Feintzeig (Multitasking)
Supplemental: Buchanan, Inc. magazine (Drucker on Management) [ .pdf ]Question(s): What does Peter Drucker recommend to build the most successful organizations and the most successful managers? What is an important idea from Textbook Chapter 1 that can be linked to an important idea in the article?
Library: Samuel (Learning from Autism)Question(s): Can you see in the article one or more of the five parts of the Model for Developing Management Skills (self-awareness, skill learning, skill analysis, skill practice, skill application)?
Supplemental: Movie “Buck” (in Canvas, click on “Modules” on the left side, and then click on “buck.mp4” to watch this video)
Supplemental: “Buck” Analysis [ .pdf, .docx ] (Thu. Feb 3, 2022)
Due: “Buck” Analysis
Whetton/Cameron: Ch. 2, Managing Stress and Well-Being
Library: Feintzeig (Office Therapists)
Library: Chen/Smith (Pandemic Burnout)
Library: Stulberg (A Better Post-Pandemic You)
Library: Samuel (A Better Post-Pandemic Office)
Activity: Management Reflection #2 (improving graduation rates)
Activity: Management Reflection #3 (discuss only, due later)
Library: Algoe (Gratitude)
Lecture: Big Bang Theory (clip) Generalized Reciprocity [ Expressing Gratitude – Part I (Youtube) ]
Lecture: Big Bang Theory (clip) Generalized Reciprocity [ Expressing Gratitude – Part II (Youtube) ]
Lecture: Network Sociograms (Gratitude) [ .pptx ] (Sat. Dec 18, 2021)
Library: Cutter (Hidden Company Stars)


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